- André Dietze
- Innere Schneeberger Str. 17
- D - 08056 Zwickau
- USt-ID: DE229615083
- Tel.: +49 15780347068
Please send your inquiries by email. Thanks.
- Email: mailto@konst123anten.net
- Web hosting: //hosting.konstanten.net
- Service:
- Webdesign & webdevelopment (Frontend, Backend)
- Creation of websites, accessible and W3C-compliant (error-free/semantic HTML code)
- Maintenance/administration of content management systems: WordPress, Contao, MediaWiki, TYPO3 ...
- Creation/maintenance of plug-ins for: WordPress, Contao and MediaWiki
- Development of CMS/shop system or customised systems (e.g.: transport & logistics system (single-stage))
- Website Hosting and Administration
- Website Security (AES encryption, SQL injection, spam bots, OSSoftware bugs, etc.)
Domain Service(registration, administration)
- Skills:
- HTML5, CSS3, PHP8 (OOP), SQL, JavaScript, AS3
- jQuery & Bootstrap (JS Framework), XML, RSS, JSON, TypoScript
- LESS & SASS (CSS Framework)
- CodeIgniter, Symfony & Zend (PHP Framework), Twig
- Database: MariaDB, MySQL
- Apache mod_rewrite, FPDF, Facebook SDK ...
Reference-/customerlist abstract
- AGJF Sachsen e.V., Chemnitz◢
- ANHALTEND marketingkommunikation, Zerbst/Anhalt, Berlin◢
- Bauconzept Planungsgesellschaft mbH, Lichtenstein◢
- Dipl.-Ing Frank Müller, Zwickau◢
- Dipl.-Ing Pierre Hartung, Zwickau◢
- Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann Beteiligungs GmbH, Berlin◢
- IPS Projects GmbH, Mainz◢
- IQ-optimize Software AG, Maintal◢
- kaikaito IT GmbH, Schwetzingen◢
- KplusH - Agentur für Kommunikation und Design, Berlin◢
- Mindbox GmbH, Dresden◢
- reissigtrans GmbH, Callenberg◢
- Richter & Richter, Hohenstein-Ernstthal◢
- sazinc. , Chemnitz◢
- Siedlungs- und Wohnhausgesellschaft Sachsen GmbH, Glauchau◢
- Submissions-Anzeiger Verlag GmbH, Hamburg◢
- Verein für Bewegungssportarten e.V., Zwickau◢
- Xtropolis.de, Berlin◢
- Zimmerei Portack & Grille GmbH, Gersdorf◢

- Website based on CMS Weblication and integration of my CMS for database-driven user and video management
- Client: KplusH agency for communication & design berlin
- Project period: 2 month
- Online since 2022
- Creation of a web application according to specifications with connection to Weblication and modification of my CMS
- Connection to a MySQL DB through my own CMS
- 90% of server requests/interaction through PHP is done via JavaScript(better usability)
- JavaScript und JS Framework: jQuery

bobthehost .de/.com
- Hosting Service(Cloud, Domain, OpenSource CMS)
- Layout: desktop- and mobile-version
- Website/Shop based on my own developed CMS
- Online since 2024
- PHP8, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, JSON, CURL
- Apache Modul: mod_rewrite (auto generating files, for example HTML-documents)
- FPDF (PHP-Class, generating PDF documents)
- Javascript Framework: jQuery

- Transport & logistics system(single-level)
- Online since 2007
- Customer-, material-, packing- and toursmanagement(automatic and manual)
- Demo version is in process
- Update 2018
- Programming, grafik, consulting
- https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
- PHP7, MySQL, Ajax, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5
- Apache modul: mod_rewrite (auto generating files, for example HTML-documents)
- FPDF (PHP-Class, generating PDF documents)
- Javascript Framework: jQuery

Paintballhall Battlezone - Zwickau
- Website(desktop, mobile)
- Website administration by my own CMS(news, gallery, event tickets)
- Facebook-App (user-registration, login)
- Online since 2012
- Update 2018, 2023
- Design(adaptive layout), programming, photography
- PHP8, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5
- Apache modul: mod_rewrite (auto generating files, for example HTML-documents)
- Javascript framework: jQuery
- Facebook PHP/JavaScript SDK

- Website/Tour planer on basis of the Open Source CMS Typo3 and OpenStreetMap
- Client: ANHALTEND.com
- Project period: 1.5 month
- Online since 2022
- Create template and customization Typo3 for further maintenance
- Integration of OpenStreetMap with location detection
- HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
- Javascript Framework: jQuery
- TypoScript

Zimmer-Atlas (own project)
- Directory for accommodations, multilingual
- Layout: desktop- and mobile-version
- CMS: customer-login, auto generating invoice, onlineshop
- Website based on my own developed CMS
- Online since 2004, redesign 2007
- PHP, MySQL, Ajax, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, XML
- Apache modul: mod_rewrite (auto generating files, for example HTML-documents)
- FPDF (PHP class, generating PDF documents)
- Facebook PHP/JavaScript SDK

quemao.de (own project)
- Website/onlineshop
- Layout: desktop- and mobile-version
- Website based on my own developed CMS
- Online since 2003, redesign 2006 and 2010
- PHP7, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, XML
- Apache Modul: mod_rewrite (auto generating files, for example HTML-documents)
- FPDF (PHP-Class, generating PDF documents)
- Javascript Framework: jQuery
- Facebook PHP/JavaScript SDK

Demo shop (own development system)
- Online shop for car parts and accessories
- Administration by his own CMS
The system need 3 until 4 days do edit around 8 million registered shop article(dependent on server-qualities).
- You find a demo-version on https://shop.konstanten.net/.
- Or the shop-items as contract period https://hosting.konstanten.net/
- PHP7, MySQL, Ajax, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5
- Apache modul: mod_rewrite (auto generating files, for example HTML-documents)
- FPDF (PHP-Class, generating PDF documents)
- Javascript Framework: jQuery

- Website on basis of the Open Source CMS Contao (past called TYPOlight)
- Relaunch 2009
- Design(adaptive layout), programming
- PHP, JavaScript, CSS, XHTML 1.0 Strict

sane! (sanesnow.com)
- Website on basis of the Open Source CMS Contao (past called TYPOlight)
- Programming simple shopsystem for Contao
- Integration Vimeo RSS-Feed
- Online since 2012
- Design(adaptive layout), programming
- PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, RSS
- Javascript Framework: jQuery